Sunday, May 26, 2013

Difference Between Personnel Management and Human Resources Management

  1.  Personnel management is traditional approach of managing people where as HRM is a modern approach .
  2. Personnel management focuses on personnel administration, employee's welfare and labor relation where as HRM focuses on acquisition, development, motivation and maintenance of the resources.
  3. Personnel management assumes people as an input for achieving desired output where as HRM assumes people as an important and valuable resources for achieving desired output.
  4. Under personnel management personnel function is for employees satisfaction where as under HRM it is for goal achievement.
  5. In personnel management employees are provided less training  and development opportunities where as in HRM employees are provided more training and development opportunities.
  6. In personnel management decisions are made by top management where as in HRM decisions are made collectively after considering employees participation, authority, decentralization, competitive environment.
  7. Personnel management is concerned with personnel manager whereas HRM is concerned with all level of managers from top to bottom.
  8. Personnel management is the routine function since the line mangers directly take major recruitment and selection function since it focuses on human resources for long run direction and scope.  

System Approach To HRM

It is inter-related set of elements function as a whole is called system or system is a combination of different components or parts for being a complex organ. An organization is a system where as HRM is a sub-system. If HRM is taken a system other components that come under HRM are elements or sub-systems of HRM system. HRM system is a system which transforms employees into productive human resources. The input components are transformed into refined output throughout managerial process. Various sub-systems like; employment, training and development, compensation, maintenance, personnel resources are activated in HRM system. HRM system should adopt environmental changes like; political, economical, socio-cultural , and technological goal. HRM system is the open system that consists of input, processing/transformation and output relationship

It is used as primary resources for organizational output.

a. Human Resource:
     It is active means of production. It is mobilized from one job to another.

b. Non-human resource:
     It consists human resources to achieve goal. Machines, capital, market, information building etc are the non- human resources.

       Both the resources are utilized to achieve the goal through different managerial process.

Inputs are processed level achieve the desired level of output. It is a mechanism on which input components are transformed into output.

    Recruitment, selection and placement of people in the organization. It ensures right number of people at the right place at right time. Recruitment generates potential candidates, selection chooses the best candidates and placement or socialization makes these selected candidates familiar with organizational rules and regulations.

b. Development:
    *Employee training: It is given to the lower and middle level employees for the development of their skill, knowledge and ability to work.

     *Management development: It is educational and other academic activities provided to top level managers to develop their future potentials.

c. Motivation:
     It inspires people for better performance evaluation, reward and punishment, compensation management, discipline, etc.

d. Maintenance:
     It is a process of retaining the employees for the longer period of time. It is the keeping those people having better performance retention of competent or capable employees in the organization is maintenance. It consist of labor relation and employee welfare.

      It is the final product or service which is produced through managerial function by using inputs. Output components are ;
  a. Quality of work life:
      It refers to good relationship among employees and total working environment. Each and every members are able to satisfy the needs of the organization through transformation process. It makes employees participate in organization process actively and efficiently. It consists of autonomy, recognition, belonging process and development and external rewards.

  b. Productivity:
      It is the ratio of input and output how much and how will the amount of work is being produced. Productivity can be increased y capital investment, innovation, learning and motivation to introduce new technologies. Efficient relationship between input and output is productivity i.e. higher productivity means less cost of production and vice-versa.

c. Readiness to change:
    Ability to adjust in dynamic environment HRM system ensures that the employees can tackle the change that occurs i the organizational environment. Everyone is prepared for any sort of changes according the work life. Employees should be competitive.

d. Employee satisfaction:
    It belongs to employees attitude  towards the job and desire of commitment. Employees will show additional performance if they are satisfied with the pay and other are satisfied with the pay and other benefits provided with.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Functions Of HRM/HR Manager

Human Resource department is for the management of people to achieve organizational goals. It coordinates with different departments for effective utilization of human resources. The functions are from the time of entry to exit of an employee in an organization. It performs managerial, operative, and advisory functions i.e. HRM functions are categorized into three parts:

1. Managerial Function:
     * Planning
     * Organization
     * Directing/ Leading
     * Controlling

2.Operative Function:
     * Planning, Recruitment and Selection
     * Training and Development
     * Compensation and Re numeration
     * Safety and Health
     * Personnel Records
     * Employee Relation/ Industrial Relation
    * Exit (Separation)

    * Top Management
    * Departmental Heads

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Importance Of Human Resource Management

    Main objectives or purpose of HRM is to fulfill the organizational goals which might be short term or long term goals. For this different resources are mobilized. The objectives and importance are as follows:
1. Effective utilization of resources:
      It ensures effective use of human resources. Human resources department is creates to formulate requires objectives and policies by communicating with different line managers to utilize the resources efficiently. Effective utilization of resources ensures the cost minimization and avoidance of wastage

2. Organizational structure:
       Working relationship between employees and management is organizational structure which assigns the task for each employee. It defines positions rights and duties responsibilities of each staffs. Human Resources Management system provides required information to the employees timely and accurately and helps to maintain organizational structure.

3. Development of human resource:
     It provides good working environment or favorable working environment for employees so that employees can use their creativity. Favorable environment helps to develop their creativity knowledge ability and skill. HRM conducts training programs that help to develop the employees.

4. Respect for human being:
      It provides respectful environment. It provides facilities as well as appropriate respect. Dominating tendencies develops or lead to organizational crisis. Each and every personnel should get proper respect at work. HRM develops develops good working relationship among managers and workers.

5. Goal harmony:
       HRM fills the gap between the individual goal and organizational goal that results goal harmony. If there is a goal difference, employees are not willing to perform well. Proper match between individual and organizational goal helps to utilize the resources effectively and efficiently. It satisfies their personnel needs and maintains job satisfaction and commitment.

6.Employee satisfaction:
     Employees are provide different facilities and opportunities for their career development which maintains job satisfaction and commitment. Employees will be satisfies with their performance when they are provided every kind of facility and opportunity.

7.Organizational productivity:
    Productivity means efficient relationship between organizational input and its output. It is the ratio of input and output. It measures how well  resources are utilized to produce better result. HRM focuses higher production by effective use of available resources that leads higher productivity.

8. Employee discipline and morale:
     HRM promote employees discipline through performance based incentives. It creates healthy and friendly working environment. it places the right people in the right post at the right time tat provides moral support.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Characteristics Of Human Resource Management

1.Management of an individual:
    Manages different people such as employees, supervisors, managers, departmental heads and other top level managers. Managed different human resources and their commitment towards work. Human Resources Management influences on recruitment, selection, training, development, performance evaluation  reward management, etc

2.Continuous process:
   HRM is not one short process, it is a continuous process of managing people and their performance. The process involved in HRM should run continuously and it is continued till the dissolution of the organization. Employees perform their duties at present as well as in future.


   The practice of  HRM should not be rigid, should be dynamic. The working styles and skills should be recycled or revised as per the internal and internal and external changes in the environment. Employees should be updated about knowledge and ability to work.

   Since HRM is applicable in all types of useful for small, big, governmental, non- governmental, profit-oriented and any type of organization.

5.Strategic Approach:
   HRM is taken as strategic approach for the development of the organization. HRM strategies help to mobilize human resources in order to achieve stated goals and objectives. All the activities in the organization are arranged in such a way that they are inter connected with efficient and effective utilization of human resources.

6.Integration of goals:
   Employees wants to satisfy his/her individual goal first whereas managers want to accomplish organizational goal first. HRM practices and principles help in integrating individual and organizational goal into a framework. It brings the employee motivated towards higher level of performance.

7.Self controlled and human relation:
    The activities are assigned in such a way that employees will be self controlled in human resources management system. All the employees share ideas, experiences and knowledge to each other while performing their job which lead to good human relation. Human resources management system creates good human behavior and self controlled employees. It develops friendly working environment between management and employee.

8.Future oriented:
   HRM is future oriented, means it helps to procure human resources to meet future goals and objectives of the organization. It recruits the people to get job done in future period of time.

9.Role of line manager:
    Management of human resources is not only the task of human manager, it is the responsibility of all the line managers play their important role in formulating human resources management policies and procedures. These policies and procedures are also executed by the line managers.

Introduction Of Human Resources Management

   Human resources are the very important resources of an organization. It is the combination of two terms 'Human resources' and 'Management'. Management is getting effective results with peoples or getting thing done by people. The proper management of people working in an organization to get the objective of the organization in HRM.

   Those people who work in an organization for reward and benefit having special skills, knowledge and ability to perform the assign task effectively are called Human Resource and their Management is called HRM. The word management can be divided into three parts; Manage Men T (Tactfully) i.e. managing the men in tactfully is called management. There are two resources; Human Resources(unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled) and Non- Human Resource(except labors) vehicles, land etc.

   HRM is concerned with development of human skilled, knowledge, and ability to perform organizational task effectively and efficiently.

    "Personnel management is the requirement selection, development, utilization and accommodation to human resource by an organization"
                                                                                       -Wendell French

    In conclusion, personnel management is defined as a process of effective use and development of people's skill, knowledge and experience to achieve the goals of the organization.