Sunday, June 2, 2013

Human Resource Planning

Meaning and Concept:
    It helps to ensure the needed manpower for the organizational goal.Due to high competition the qualitative and low cost products are increasing day to day. For this HRD has to plan for getting the qualitative manpower to complete the market. To run the organization smoothly, the sufficient manpower is to be supplied otherwise the objectives cannot be fulfilled on time. HRP is a process of determining future human resources needs and course of action needed to satisfy those needs to achieve the organizational goals. HRP should ensure that the organizational goals. HRP should ensure that the organization has the right nuber of people at right place at the right time to perform well. It is a continuous process rather than a one - shot function. It is to be done as the changes in the environment HRP is the process of knowing or finding what kind of people should be recruited for the quality performance. It determines what is to be done to ensure the availability of human resources needed to achieve stated goals within the given constraints.

In conclusion, HRP is a complex and continuous process which helps to determine the manpower requirement of the organization. It focuses on:
- Balancing demand and supply of employees.
- Ensuring right kind of people at the right time at right place.

Characteristics of Human Resources Planning (HRP):

1. Future oriented:
     HRP is done for future requirement of manpower in the organization. It supports to find out the number and composition of human resources for future purposes.

2. Continuous process:
      HRP which is prepared today may not work future due to change in external environment. To adjust these changing environment, HRP needs to be revised and updated continuously.

3. Optimum utilization of HR:
      HRP is for utilizing optimum level of resources. It checks the performance of employees. It finds out existing capabilities of employees and future potentialities to perform the work.

4. Right kinds and numbers:
     HRP finds out the right number of people in the right job at the right time who are capable of performing the required jobs. It ensures the future requirement of manpower to achieve organizational goal.

5. Determination of demand and supply of HR:
      HRP is a process of finding demand and supply them accordingly. It also finds out over staffing  by comparing HR inventory level and demand of HR.

6. Long-term and short-term:
      As per the need or requirement HRP is prepared for short term, mid term and long term. It differs as the nature of the organization.

7. Environmental influence:
      HRP is to be updated as per the change in the external environment since. HRP is influenced or affected by environmental changes.

8. Related to corporate plan:
      HRP is the integral part of overall corporate or business plan of the organization. HRP can be formulated in the strategic level or operational level.

9. A part of total HRM system:
      HRP is the component or element of HRM system. HRP ss concerned with acquisition and assessment of manpower or human resources. Human Resource Planning (HRP) is the foundation of management of human resources in an effective and efficient manner.



  1. Mam really ur note is good provide more notes on OB and Strategic management too

  2. Is there any skill development training program to develop Resource management skills?
