Thursday, June 6, 2013

Human Resource Planning Process

HRP is a continuous process which starts on identification of HR objectives, moves through analysis of human resources and ends at appraisal of HR planning. These phases should be revised as the organizational requirement since it operates in changing environment. HRP starts from developing the current status of HR available in the organization and ends with assessment of effectiveness of the planning process HRP process can be described as follows:
1. Assessing HR:
   It begins with both the external and internal environmental analysis under which internal objectives, resources and structure and external (PEST) are analyzed. After the analysis of these forces HR manager finds out the internal strength or weakness of the organization and also finds out the opportunities and threats. ON this basis HR requirement is estimated. Forecasting or estimating operative level personnel is less complex then that of supervisory and managerial levels since they are more skilled. It finds out HR inventory level and finds job analysis.

2. Demand forecasting:
     HRP is the process of forecasting the demand of manpower and supply them accordingly in the organization. Demand accordingly in the organization. Demand forecasting is the process of determining future needs of HR in terms of quality and quantity to achieve organizational output. HR can be foretasted on the basis of current human resources situation and analysis of organizational plans and procedures.

3.Supply forecasting:
    Estimation of supply of human resources by analyzing current resources and future availability of Human Resources in the organization. Estimates the future sources of HR which might be available within the organizational sources includes promotion, transfer etc and external sources includes recruitment of fresh candidate.

4. Matching demand and supply:
      Estimating the future demand and supply of HR. Matching refers to keep demand and supply in an equilibrium position so that there won't be over staffing and shortages problem. Number of HR should be cut down in case of over staffing and human resources should be hired in case of shortages.

5. Action plan:
     Action Plan is concerned with over staffing and shortages of HR. To execute HRP, the activities like recruitment, selection, placement, training and development, socialization etc are required. HRP matches objectives and policies by control and evaluation of performance of human resources.

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